Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Getting you music in Movies and TV by Discmakers.

Here's a free download from  I so love free information and it's really easy to get.  Just click on link, put in your information, then it will send you the download link, click on that, and you are set.  

"Getting your music in the Movies and TV can be an absolute career-maker. Check out our guide to getting your music ready!"

Building My Business

     I'm building my business, Philadon Production Company, and I'm trying to decide what I want to accomplish and how I can get it done.  I have to develop a fan base here in Mobile Alabama first and find ways to keep that fan base coming to every show I put together.  I think that’s going to take all of my talents and abilities.  I’m going to have to determine my target market and go from there.  The most important thing is going to be my ability to think outside the box, because this is a group of independent artist with no financial backing.  Yes, we are pretty much operating on a wing and a pray.  Well, we’re a little better than that but we’re definitely having to use the kindness of other people (club owners) to get started.  It’s a win-win situation because most of the clubs I’m approaching are not doing so well, so they welcome someone willing to do promotions for them free of charge.  In return we get to utilize their clubs for our show.  Fortunate for us, I don’t mind searching for those opportunities.  I only wish we had more of them.    It would be easier if I had a star or someone that’s been on a major show to promote around.  I’m hoping that one of these artist will be my break out star, then I can promote around that artist.  At this time all I can do is stick to the basics and hope that things fall in place.  I’m very hopeful that everything will turn out fine.  The main thing is to build a strong solid foundation in the beginning and work off of that establishment.  Every business starts off a little shaky but I’m confident that everything will flow together with time.  I'm so ready for this.
     I've been working on the web-site, checking and rechecking the content.  Then writing two blogs, and shooting live performance dvd's for different artist.  It has really kept me busy and I'm so loving that.

Monday, August 27, 2012

For my "Indie I Am Artist Showcase" Artist

    September 8, 2012 I will be hosting my first “Indie I Am Artist Showcase” at Club Infinity (512 Kirk Road) in Theodore, Alabama.  I am so completely excited about that.  I know it’s going to be a long haul getting people familiar with us and coming to our shows but in time we will get our numbers up.   I’m determined to showcase to a full club and then move on to bigger buildings, or bigger clubs.  I see this show as only the beginning.  There’s another club in the area that I want to look at; so that may mean doing two shows a month verse one a month.  It is entirely up to the artist, if they want to participate but know this I will put a priority on the artist that’s putting forth the most effort.  I’m working towards paid shows for the artist.  I want everyone to be able to take home a paycheck.  I think that it feels better to know that you are working towards something.  I’m not going to tell you that it’s going to be easy because that would be a lie.  If everyone puts in the effort we could have a quicker turn around but that’s up to you.
     I plan to help all the artist in my showcase as much as I can because by making them better artist my company will have better shows and that is a win-win for all of us.  With that being said, my first priority is to do an assessment of each artist and determine what I can do to make them better artist.  Then I have to determine their market audience and  find a viable way to introduce them to that artist. 
     I have a marketing campaign that I want to implement right away and some marketing that will be implemented over time.  The most important road to success is the artist willingness to put in the work needed to reach their goals, first we have to determine what those goals are.  So after the show I will be getting with each artist to really determine how I can help them or how we can help each other.   For those who don’t want my help, that’s fine, because I don’t want to waste my time being counter productive.  Some of you may already have your own teams and that’s a good thing because that’s time that I put towards those artist that don’t have a team.  I’m only going to be there as an advisory person but if you really need my help on some thing I’m willing to do what I can.   But please understand that I’m not trying to be any ones manager or Record Label.  Philadon Production Company is my company and our job is to give you the tools to be a successful independent artist or help you to get in the position to be signed my a major label.  I provide live shows where an artist can perform, I record live shows that can be used to market the artist talents, and I provide useful information concerning the music business.  I will give you suggestions and advise but it is your job to implement those things; if you so choose.  You also have to realize that some of this stuff is going to be trial and error, until we find out what works us.
     I’m going to have someone sell my cd at the show, I can sell your cd too but my fee is 1/3 of everything I sell; and I split this with the person doing the selling.  I’m also going to be setting up at the flee market on the weekend to sell cd’s and dvd’s; if you are interested in me marketing and selling your inventory let me know, the same fee applies.  I only get paid for what I sell; so if you sell your own stuff that has nothing at all to do with me.
     I don’t want anyone to feel like you have to use me or my services because you don’t.  I’m still going to be me no matter what.  I would love to have your business but this is your career and your business, so you have to make the best decisions to fit your needs and as a business woman I understand that.  For those that want my help you have my number, or you can hit me up on Facebook under the name Philessa Hooks, or email me at  This is an area that I didn’t expect to be in but I’m very happy to have things going the way they are.  I can’t promise that all of you will be successful but I can promise you that you will get back what you put in.  I’m ready to pull my sleeves up and get busy making this a very successful venture for all of us.  I welcome any of you that want to be on board with me but know that you have a lot of work ahead of you.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

I really need to vent

     I use to have a friend that I could vent to but now I have you.  So... I really need to vent.  What I mean is, "I have a lot of stuff that's on my mind and I have to get it out my system."  I have to be honest with you because my venting can get a little crazy but it's my work through.  I just hope you don't hold it against me.  It's your first time so remember that patients is a virtue.  Patients.
     My professional life is going the way it should I suppose.  I'm on this road and I have no idea where it's going.  I use to really like that, the unknown.  Long story and no I wont tell it today.  I don't even know if I like this journey that I'm on.  Then I'm thinking am on the right path or am I running again.  My question to myself, of course.  I can't answer that.
     I've changed a lot of things in my life.  I'm putting a show together and I have a wonderful artist line-up; that's not the problem.  I don't really know what the problem is really.  Except that I'm completely mentally handicapped at the moment.  I mean, this is where I'm suppose to be.  This is where my life is suppose to be.  Except my purpose for success is gone and now I'm trying to decide if what I'm doing is really what I want to do.
     I'm not a very complex person.  Really, I'm not.  I'm pretty comfortable in just about any environment.  I prefer simplicity, well romantic simplicity (if there is such a thing) in lieu of over-the-top romantic or dramatic.  Although I have to admit that I love an air of dramatic (a pinch) and as long as it doesn't have a name or is a part of my family.  I'm just saying!
     I know that I want to help my friends and I know that I really want to do the show.  But do I want to lead or participate?  I love music, I love to sing, and I love creating.  I have to admit that I like being my own boss and I like helping people so that's not the problem at all.  Why isn't that enough?  That's where I am right now.  What I have to do is so easy for me but I have to learn new skills in order to be well rounded.  I thrive off of things being hard because I love problem solving.  I get off on it.  It use to be my thing.  I see a problem.  I solve it.  Simple.  I'm hoping that this show will spark something; give me something.  I know where this road could take me if I work hard and hard work is the easy part.  Getting past myself... that's the work.
     Okay, I'm done for now but thank you for listening to the inside thoughts of a crazy mind.  Much love to you.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Stuff happens!

This week was so stressful and I'm so looking forward to a new beginning.  I could not get my feet on the ground.  It was just crazy!  I canceled the show at The Billard's Club, for this month because of my financials.  Shit happens!

Fortunately, I was able to book a show with Club Infinity for September 8th, 2012.  My line-up of artist is like wow!  Suthernbreed, Kult Klassic, Red Ruga, Joe Cane, Nikki, COG, Travis J, PresTijus, and of course your girl Lady PJ. I've seen all of them perform and I have to say that I'm happy to work with them all.  Some times God closes one door only to open another one.  I know that this is a start in the right direction and I've been waiting for this to happen since I moved back here in 2007.  Now I'm just excited about the beginning.  I know that it will take some time for people to warm up to me and my ideas, but I got nothing but time and I've learned a little thing called patients.  I think I even have a team.   Who knew that life would just start showering me with candy?  LOL!  And I have a sweet tooth.

     Yesterday all I could see was this wall but today sunshine!  Alright Mobile, Indie Artist Stand UP!


Exclusive Rights to a beat/track

What does "exclusive rights" mean?

  • This gives the music artist sole ownership of the beat, and unlimited use of it as well. The producer cannot sell this beat/track to anybody else and must take it down from any selling sites. Make sure that all copyrights to the beat are properly transfered to you and all usage restrictions are lifted. This allows you to use the beat in any way you see fit. You should be given a signed "transfer of ownership" agreement from the producer or beatmaker.


By Emerson Duke

By Emerson Duke
by Emerson Duke