Monday, February 24, 2014

My Review: "The Voice" by Lady PJ

My Review: “The Voice”
Written by Philessa Hooks Jenkins
Aka Lady PJ

     “The Voice” was on fire tonight with the addition of Usher and Shakira along with the current judges; Adam Levine and Blake Shelton.  Shakira was fiery and decked out in this sexy short brown dress that displayed just enough skin, and Usher surprised us all with his new haircut, or hair growth.  I don’t like the new haircut.  It just doesn’t fit “Usher,” to me.  Maybe that’s just me but he did manage to display his six-pack to the audience.  Thank you darling; it was really nice.  I’m just saying.  Laugh Out Loud!  Ask and you shall receive.  “It’s Gifts galore,” now if Tyler Perry could just come and knock on my door.  Hum.  Mr. Perry you should call me… I write.  I’m so smiling right now but I’m so serious.  Shameful, I know!
     At the end of it all Usher managed to add three powerhouse voices to his team; T.J. Wilkins, Biff Gore, and Bria Kelly.  Can you believe it; Biff Gore has like five kids and one more on the way.  I can’t even imagine that.  We got to see his whole family via iPad, cute family of girls. Hum… someone’s trying to make a boy! Then he got on the stage to sing and I got goose bumps. Right now I’m team Biff Gore.  
     Blake managed to add one country singer to his team; Jake Worthington.  He auditioned for The Voice last year unsuccessfully but he pulled three judges this time, yeah Usher didn’t turn his chair.  I thought that Jake had a wonderful audition and his voice was just so nice to listen to.  I’m looking forward to seeing how he progresses throughout the show.
     Adam fought hard and managed to pull Dawn and Hawkes to his team, over judge Shakira, after a very convincing pitch. He also added Christina Grimmie to team Adam.
     Shakira was more aggressive and a little bit feisty; that really seems to work for her and I hope she continues.  She’s of course competing against the guys and they’re not giving her any breaks. She did manage to add two to her team tonight; Kristen Merlin and Jeremy Briggs.
     The chemistry between the judges is just invigorating; don’t you think? I mean, I found it hard to turn the channel because I was afraid I might miss something. You just never know what they’re going to do.  Is Shakira going to dance is Usher going to sing, and will Blake and Adam continue to battle it out?  Juicy stuff and it’s all on “The Voice.”  I love this show, now that my favorite judges are back. You should really watch. Much love to you all and have a good night.

Friday, February 21, 2014

It's Lady PJ's Rants and Raves Friday

 It's Lady PJ's Rants and Raves Friday
written by Philessa Hooks Jenkins
aka Lady PJ

    Hello everyone and tonight for the first time it's Lady PJ's "Rants And Raves Friday."  Where I talk about crazy stuff or just stuff that I think is crazy. It's a whole lot of crazy stuff out there in the world. I’m so shaking my head.

    In Florida the legal system is sort of questioning the controversial "Stand your ground law" after another major case ends in a split decision; they're now saying that "the law gives you a license to kill." Wow, how long did it take them to realize this amazing discovery? 

     Right now in the State of Florida I can take my gun out, shoot you in the middle of the street, and get away with it by saying that, "you threatened to kill me and I was in fear of my life" after which I can use the stand my ground defense."  What a great law (I'm being completely sarcastic). Two young black children are dead because of this law; can someone please close the floodgates before we see more bloodshed.  I'm only surprised that more people haven't used this law as a defense.

    I was reading a post about Justin Bieber and on a side post it said something about Nicki Minaj being sued for $30M by her hairstylist.  I will come back to Justin but what the world? This is me trying not to cuss. It's a New Year's resolution.  I'm probably going to break that 30 million times over this year.     

     As a hairstylist, that's assuming that you are a hairstylist and you know, (pause and think about it) what could you do that would warrant a $30M payout? Let the world say, "Hum."  I can't say what I'm really thinking but you know that could be some real hush money.  Hum! Laughing like crazy because this hairstylist is sitting on crazy!  Wait, unless you selling a whole chain of hair salons and Nicki Minaj didn't pay you for them.  Laugh out loud!  It took me a little time to come up with that.  What... It's Friday!

     The news media wants the court to release pictures of Justin Bieber doing his piss test at the jailhouse.  Yes, you heard me right.  There's something seriously wrong with this, people!  I'm hoping that the Judge handling Justin's legal case bans this action from happening.  This young man needs mentoring; let's leave him with some sort of dignity.  You pervert's!  
     On a positive note, Usher is coming back to "The Voice." I'm so all smiles right now because I'm shamelessly hoping that he'll keep his shirt off during most of the season (the whole season).  Sure Shakira is coming back, although I like her as an artist I just want to see Usher.  He use to take all these wonderful selfies and post them on his Google plus page.  I so enjoyed them but some rude person said something about it... and no more shirtless pics. I know... this was suppose to be postive.  It will be for me when Usher starts posting his selfies again. Laughing my butt off.  

     This is Lady PJ out and much love to you.  Have a wonderful Friday, y'all; that's country for you all.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tyler Perry won “Good Deeds” lawsuit

Tyler Perry won “Good Deeds” lawsuit
Written by Philessa Hooks Jenkins
Aka Lady PJ
Copyright 2/19/2014

     In August of 2013, Tyler Perry won his infringement lawsuit for “Good Deeds.”  Let me just say that, “I loved him in this movie, especial the scene with him having sex with the girlfriend.” Laugh Out Loud!
     Can you believe it; someone tried to sue him for this movie? When you have as much money as Mr. Perry everyone is coming at you for something or another and it’s quite sad that it’s for something that he created.  There are so many movie ideas out there that they’re all going to start showing the same thing eventually. Haven't you noticed that the same movies are being cast over and over again but with new faces to make them look fresh; just look at the “Superman” movies or “Spiderman?” Writers are running out of ideas so they go back to what worked in the first place and try to decide how they can make it new or fresh by attaching a two to it; like Speed 2, or Hangover 2.
     Quite frankly Mr. Perry is such an easy target for these sorts of legal claims but fortunate for him he actually has the money to fight them. You have to admit that it must be draining for him to have to take time out for these sorts of things because he has to show up in court to defend himself over and over again.  The bad side is that the person suing him actually get's free advertisement.
     The sad thing is that when you’re sued so many times with the same claim people start talking. You know how we are? We start spreading rumors and all; not thinking about if they’re true or not. Mr. Perry will really have to think about this because he doesn’t want to tarnish his perfect image. People don’t really support “Tyler Perry” the Company but they support Tyler Perry the man.  Are you feeling me? Image is such an important part of his character as a man in this industry.  He really needs to put some sort of disclaimer on his webpage to say that he doesn’t accept other peoples (writers) work; no unsolicited material.  I believe that this will make it clear to people that if you send your work to him it will go in the trash and actually put it in the trash.
    Unfortunately, for Mr. Perry he has another lawsuit to go through.  Yes, someone else is claiming that he stole their idea.  People you cannot copyright an idea; so claiming that he stole your idea for a movie or a book most likely will be dismissed by the judge.  Always remember that the burden of proof lies with the Plaintiff; so they have to prove their case.  It’s not as simple as it sounds because it’s a process and when you’re dealing with the courts it’s a long process.

     Hopefully Mr. Perry doesn’t have to face any more of these frivolous lawsuits but when you have money and fame it’s usually attached to a negative side; lawsuits are one of them. I really hope he wins this new lawsuit because it must be so much to handle these crazy things and run a million dollar company.  Well, here’s to a better year Mr. Perry and to all of you, “much love from your girl,” Lady PJ.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

“Ceelo Green and trouble in paradise”

Written by Philessa Hooks Jenkins
Aka Lady PJ
“Ceelo Green and trouble in paradise”

     I guess by now you’ve heard about the incident that Ceelo Green, whose real name is Thomas DeCarlo Callaway, has gotten himself into with this female he’s been seeing off and on.  She actually accused the singer of slipping her the drug ecstasy in her drink and then raping her.  Fortunately, for Ceelo the sexual assault charges were dropped for lack of evidence but he still has the drug charge to get through.  I’m thinking that if he’s found guilty on the drug charge that the state may turn around and charge him for the sexual assault.  I’m just saying.  Don’t be surprised if it happens that way.
     These are very serious charges that he’s facing; he could go to jail, he’d have a felony charge on his record, he’d have to register as a felon, and not to mention that his reputation would take a big hit.  It would open him up to possible future charges by other woman.  It could have that Michael Jackson affect whether he’s innocent or guilty is irrelevant.
     The fan in me is going no way that “Ceelo Green” did this, but the woman in me is thinking could it be possible from Ceelo?  I’m trying to keep an open mind because I don’t have all of the information.  I did get to see the legal paperwork where he was charged by the State of California.  I think he really needs someone to help him with his image because it’s taking a hit right now and they need to get ahead of the problem before it’s too late to do anything.  I know his lawyers are telling him to stay out of the media but I think that’s going to hurt him in the future.
     I think what he’s looking at pertaining to his court case is the fact that the burden of proof is on the prosecution.  They have to prove that he slipped the drug in her glass, which means they need a video of the incident, a person that saw him putting the drug in her drink, or a confession from Ceelo himself.  I don’t see it happening any other way.  I haven’t heard of any video, I know that he apologized to her on the phone but he didn’t confess, and there’s nothing stating that there was an eyewitness to the incident in question.  I’m curious to know how the prosecution is going to spin this whole thing and how they plan to prove their case.  It’s going to be interesting.  Ceelo I really hope you didn’t do this because it would really make me look at you differently.
     As always, it’s your girl, Lady PJ, saying “much love to you all and remember that information is power so be informed.”  I would love to know what you guys think.  If he’s found guilty would it change your mind about him as an artist?

#CeeloGreen, #sexualassault, #ladypj


Exclusive Rights to a beat/track

What does "exclusive rights" mean?

  • This gives the music artist sole ownership of the beat, and unlimited use of it as well. The producer cannot sell this beat/track to anybody else and must take it down from any selling sites. Make sure that all copyrights to the beat are properly transfered to you and all usage restrictions are lifted. This allows you to use the beat in any way you see fit. You should be given a signed "transfer of ownership" agreement from the producer or beatmaker.


By Emerson Duke

By Emerson Duke
by Emerson Duke